Three-day weekend transformation (175 out of 365) #blogaday

Make you sure to take advantage of your friends on the 3-day weekends given 🙂 I went to a birthday BBQ party last night to start off the weekend right, and tonight I am enjoying my time outdoors by the pool and going out with a friend later. It is important to keep busy, so you can continue to grow bonds with people in your life. Many of us starting thinking about the fact that there are only a few more weeks before people disperse to their own jobs…we need to stay close while we can, and this 3-day weekend is a big help!


Calm, cool, and collected (163 out of 365) #blogaday

Today was very relaxing!

– woke up and lounged in bed with PLL

– sat out in the sun with my parents and a phone trivia game

– took Bear for a walk into town

– listened to my new records while finishing my book

– browsed blogs and free Kindle books

– watching an old thriller (American Werewolf in London)

Successful last day of summer before school starts 🙂


Mindless moments (152 out of 365) #blogaday

Sometimes it is fun to just have a relaxing day at home, staring aimlessly at the TV or computer screen. Especially in this heat, I really liked moving as little as possible today! It helps to have shows to watch, like Pretty Little Liars, Blacklist, or Orange is the New Black. I was also being productive with TV in the background – I revamped my cover letter and made sure my resume was up-to-date. Journeying outside even to walk up to the local store was hot enough that we got ice cream and then all just collapsed to watch shows. Since classes will be starting soon for summer, I have to catch up on my programs now because I’ll want to hang out with my friends before we part ways.