Lingering in the Learning Palace (76 out of 365) #blogaday #sol15

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I discovered a teacher’s supply store called the Learning Palace a few days ago, and went in for the first time today. It was very exciting to see all the various borders and posters for the classroom. I knew there was a multitude of things needed for your first year, but had never been into one of the stores. It had so many products that I found myself lost in it for quite some time. There is a lot online these days for supplies, but it was very beneficial to actually see them in the stores. I have found a safari theme set online that described its contents (calendar, bulletin borders, student tasks, and many others) – Even though it wasn’t in the store, I could get a better understanding of what was being described. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI enjoyed thinking about my theme and classroom again because I have put in the back of my mind while I was focusing on graduate school. It allows me to have something to look forward to šŸ™‚ Some schools have a theme set up already for the teachers to follow, like my Winter term placement; however, I remember having some teachers who had decorated their own class. One of my fourth grade teachers had Suzy Zoo and friends, and I really want my classroom to be as put together and memorable in theme as that one.

4 thoughts on “Lingering in the Learning Palace (76 out of 365) #blogaday #sol15

  1. School supply stores area fun place to get ideas! Most of us teachers could spend money there any day we go there. Perhaps it is a good thing there aren’t so many of them any more.

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  2. I could spend hours (and lots of money) in a teacher’s supply store. Unfortunately, there are no longer any teacher’s supply stores nearby. I didn’t realize just how much I missed those stores until I read this post.

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