De-stressing with a Diamante (62 out of 365) #blogaday #sol15

SOL day 11slice of life logoI know I just wrote a reflection piece yesterday, but I really needed this to stay sane! I am starting to panic a bit about the final paper and all the other small things I need to complete before going home. Poems are a great way to relax and get creative juices flowing, rather than just sitting and freaking out. I learned about the Diamante poem through my CT in the fifth grade class during their writing with Bare Books. It starts with a noun, then has two adjectives, three verbs, four nouns (two related to the first noun and two related to the opposing noun), three verbs (about opposing noun), two adjectives, and the second noun. I thought it was fitting because it compares opposites, and I wanted to look forward to the “relief” at the end instead of the “stress” currently in my mind. My poem is below 🙂 poem

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